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  1. 蘇豐文, 黃喬敬, 黃崇恩, 林耀珍, 陳勇任, 鄭世梧,   中華民國專利44768Valid for 2014-8-01–2029-11-08: “智慧型教案規劃系統與方法及其電腦程式產品與記錄媒體”。
  2. Von-Wun Soo, A Diagnostic System of Metal Soldering Defects with Learning CapabilitiesProject MIDC-094-N208 (81).
  3. Von-Wun Soo, A Study on Machine Learning Theories for Natural Language AcquisitionProject Report NSC81-0408-E-007-02.
  4. H. C. Liou and Von-Wun Soo, Development of an English Grammar Checker for Chinese Students: The Second Year Project Report NSC81-0408-E007-20.
  5. Von-Wun Soo, A Study on Common Sense Reasoning: Theories and Applications Project report NSC81-0408-E007-19.
  6. Von-Wun Soo A Knowledge-based Approach Toward an Expert Systems to Interpreting Echocardiograms Project report, NSC 78-0408-E007-12
  7. Von-Wun Soo, A Qualitative Matching Scheme for Postulating Enzyme Kinetic Models and Experimental Conditions: Reasoning with Constraints , Ph. D. Dissertation and Technical Report CBM-TR-151, Rutgers University, October, 1987.
  8. Von-Wun Soo, C. Kulikowski, D. Garfinkel and L. Garfinkel Theory Formation in Postulating Kinetic Mechanism: Reasoning with Constraints Technical Report CBM-TR-150, Rutgers, May, 1987.
  9. Von-Wun Soo, C. Kulikowski and D. Garfinkel A Framework for Representation of Expertise in Experimental Design for Enzyme Kinetics Technical Report CBM-TR-146, Rutgers University, May 1985.